Working Drawings

Working drawings, also known as good for construction drawings (GFC), are drawings provided by the architect that give detailed dimensioned, graphical information that can be used by a contractor to construct the works, or by suppliers to fabricate components of the works.

Why do we need working drawings?

These are one of the most important document released by the architect of a project because the accurate execution of these drawings determines the project's success. An important factor to consider when deciding on various working drawing components like dimensioning style, font, details, instructions, start points, north direction, key plan, etc. Is that they are intended for construction workers and clients. It should be chosen in such a way that it is self-explanatory, with as few errors as possible in its comprehension and execution.

Working drawings have traditionally been two-dimensional orthogonal projections of the building or components and are drafted to an appropriate legible scale which is easily readable. Today, Building information modeling (BIM) is increasingly being used to create three-dimensional representations of buildings and their components for construction. It also allows different stakeholders to collaborate easily as a virtual construction model (VCM), and can include a variety of models.